About the counterbalance in money of discrepancies of forest stands
it is not yet possible to state clear results.
4.5. Planning of the reallotment work and the land estate system.
The old method of work was performed after a set pattern all over
Sweden, usually by one landsurveyor for each reallotment, who during
the performance of the work was stationed within the area. It was in
some respect a sort of handicraft with long duration.
'The new method of work is more flexible, more adaptable to various
conditions. It is partly industrially organized and it 1s à team-work bet-
ween locally stationed land-surveyors, centrálly stationed photogram-
metrists and a governmental agency for photography. So it 1s some-
what more complicated and therefore it must be planned carefully. The
planning includes the choise of aerial camera, negative scale and film
type, the location and extention of strips, geodetic network, the study
of boundary marks and sample plots to be signalized etc. It 1s a sort of
preparing of the area before air-photography in order to get the photo-
graphs furnished with most of the necessary informations. This plan-
ning is the tool of getting out a good result of the work.
The planning of the land estate system at the old method was exe-
cuted by the aid of the map, the lists of inventory and all the informa-
tions, assembled in the field by the land surveyor. At the new method
the photo--mosaic, the map with its contours and the photographs to
study in stereoscope are available above that. Some of the advantages
of the new method are the general survey of the area when studying
the photographs stereoscopically but also the possibility at the same
time of scrutinizing the details of the terrain and studving them three-
dimensionnally. They are the wellknown advantages of photointerpre-
tation in comparison with old field-methods. So it must be easier to
localize and plan farm centres, roads, drainings, landed estates and new
boundaries etc.
1.6. Storing in public archives. As 1s mentioned under 4.3 all maps,
lists, photographs etc. of a reallotment are recorded in governmental
archives, one in each province (county). So the possession of landed
estate is made sure for the future. In this respect the used photographs
are especially valuable. Ali the details of terrain at the time of photo-
graphy are registered in them. They may therefore be used as an evi-
dence of the conditions at that time of buildings, of roads, of the tillage
of infields, of the forest stands and of the humidity of soil etc. The old
network can be used as photo-point control of a new photography later
on. So it is possible to state all the alterations of these conditions e. g.
soil-erosion and cutting of stands.
1.7. The method of work. The old method of work was develop-
ped during more than two hundreds of years. Every step of it had to
be executed in a strict order. It was hardly possible to begin a certain
step before all the previous steps were performed.