Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

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methods. Even if topographic maps are made from nine-lens photographs, 
horizontal aerial triangulation is performed by the use of transparent, vinylite, 
line templets; also planimetric maps are nearly always compiled graphically, 
although a steadily-increasing number are being compiled by instrument. Single- 
lens photographs are usually compiled by stereo instrument, whether for topo- 
graphic or planimetric mapping, although the latter, also, are sometimes com- 
piled graphically. 
Two Stereoplanigraphs, two Reading nine-lens contour plotters, two Kelsh 
plotters, and one Stereotop are used in the Washington Office. In a nearby 
field office are two more Kelsh plotters and five Multiplex units. Two other 
field compilation offices each have a Kelsh plotter. Seven Focalmatic desk ratio 
projectors are used, some in chart revision work, and others by field units. 
Prior to the extensive use of photogrammetry, shoreline data and control 
stations for hydrography were surveyed and located by planetable [3]. These 
surveys were usually made by a combined operations party as the work in- 
cluded geodetic triangulation, planetable surveying and hydrography. Today, 
photogrammetric mapping usually precedes hydrography and supplies both the 
shoreline data and control for the hydrography. Hydrographic signals are 
identified on photographs and located photogrammetrically on board the hydro- 
graphic ship. A special set of photographs is used and the method of location is 
by the radial line technique using a transparent copy of the photogrammetric 
map provided beforehand for this purpose. 
Coastal mapping and inshore hydrographic surveys are nearly always co- 
ordinated and planned so that aerial photography is obtained the season before 
the hydrographic survey is scheduled. Geodetic control is assumed to follow 
aerial photography. In any event, the control is identified on the photographs, 
after which a map of the shoreline is compiled in an office. All possible detail 
which might be of assistance to the hydrographer is compiled. The high-water 
line is shown, with the aid of notes made here and there on the photographs 
during a field inspection. Contours are plotted if the topography is helpful to 
navigation. All landmarks are shown, such as towers, steeples, tanks and chim- 
neys. All rocks, reefs, sand bars, and channels visible on the photographs are 
denoted. And, finally, of possibly greatest importance, a series of identifiable 
objects along the shore are located in latitude and longitude by photogrammetry 
with all possible accuracy. The hydrographer can then find these objects, erect 
signals at their sites, and use the signals for sextant sighting, or he may select 
other sites, identify them on the photographs and determine their positions 
photogrammetrically. Thus, the hydrographic operations can proceed without 
delay and need not wait for the progress of ground surveys. 
As an interesting alternative in this connection, the geodetic work can be 
delayed if time is an important factor, for a planimetric map at some consistent 
scale can be compiled without control. The hydrography can also be performed 
at this unknown scale. Later, when the geodetic work is completed, a final, 
accurate chart can be compiled showing all planimetry, hydrography and topog- 
raphy in their proper relationship. In a few instances, the photography was ob- 
tained, the preliminary map compiled and sent via air to the ship, the hydrog- 
raphy survey was made, and geodetic work completed, all in the same season. 
The Photogrammetry Division cooperates in every way in these instances. 
Sometimes a photogrammetrist is assigned on board the ship to help coordinate 
the work. Frequently, a photogrammetric shore party operates ahead of, or in 
conjunction with, the ship building signals and adding notes to the photo- 
graphs to aid the compiler in the correct interpretation of rocks and high-water 
Another phase of this work consists of the presence of one or more photo- 

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