opening towards 180°, or by carrying to extremes the asymmetry of the take azimuth
of the ground arrangement 1).
Then by adopting a scale of representation proportioned to the dimension of greater
topographic order (as is necessarily imposed by the practical exigencies of encumberance)
generally there would result an excessive reduction of the dimension of the frames and of
the images brought by them. This, whenever should it be possible to execute by photographic
means while respecting the orthoscopy. Therefore the impossibility to obtain from them
the accuracy that instead the photographic resolution can and must give.
This difficulty can and must be overcome by eliminating from our representation of
the take upon the dihedral, the dimensions of topographic order of magnitude in order,
instead, to proportion the scale of the representation to the possibility offered by the photo-
graphic resolution without overcoming the practical encumberance limits.
This elimination is without doubt possible only in the very particular case of nil
staggering 2) thanks to a scale reduction of the (d, + u,) and (d, + u,) distances. But
this reduction became universally possible by imposing a contraction to the entire
representation of the dihedral so as to bring into coincidence two particular character-
istic points of the take’s reciprocal angle orientation: the nuclear fulerums, which will
be treated in the next chapter.
a) Definitions, (Fig. 5).
Let us again take the take dihedral (not as yet developed in plane) with the frames
and the nuclear points in place. Among the infinite nuclear planes there is one, and only
one, that intersects the bisector plane of the take dihedral according to a line normal
to its edge: we shall call it for short the master nuclear plane.
It is easy to demonstrate that the two nuclear beams corresponding between themselves,
according to which the master nuclear plane intersects the faces of the dihedral, form
equal and supplementary angles with the edge of this, consequently at open developed
dihedral the homologous nuclear beams coincide with themselves in a single line which
is the united beam of the nuclear plane projectivity.
The intersections of this united nuclear beam with the lowered perpendiculars of the
principal points on the edge of the dihedral, are points that enjoy particular proprieties.
Therefore their ordinates are always nil. Their abscissi then, counted, as are the ordinates,
in the respective system of orthogonal photographic reference with the y parallel to dihedral
edge, are invariable in respect to the reciprocal spatial orientation of the parameters
1, d,, d,, and they depend instead solely on the 2 y opening of the dihedral and from the
principal distance f. More precisely the said abscissi are worth: r = = f ctg. y.
In other words, by either changing the staggering or the distinces d, and d,, the
united nuclear beam of the projectivity always remains “pivoted” in the two beforesaid
particular points and for that reason have been in short called the fulerwms of nuclear
projectivity. They are therefore characteristic only of the angular reciprocal position of
the two takes and not of the spatial position.
On the strength of this, we can then make translate the two frames of the two
1) It would be illusive to take recourse to the representation of the take dihedral with
positive frames instead of with negative frames. It is true that the abscissae of the nuclear
points would incline towards value r instead of inclining to the infinite. Obviously with
the abscissa inclined to r, we go towards forms of indetermination.
2) When the staggering 1 becomes nil, in fact, it causes the coincidence of the united nuclear
beam with the joining line of the two principal points of the frames, thereby causing the
annulent of the two nuclear point ordinates,