ally symmetrical !) when, in its reduced representation on the take dihedral, the photo-
graphic frames result symmetrical and the respective nuclear points in respect to the axes
of homology. It is easy to demonstrate that, with the exception of possible cases of com-
pensation, that such an intrinsical symmetry is verified when the ground take responds
to the following conditions (classic convergent ground arrangement) :
— take azimuth symmetrical in respect to the azimuth normal to that of the take base;
(that is to say a, a, = 180°);
— nil difference of heights between the two take stations (h — 0);
— elevation angle the same as that of the take axis in the horizontal plane, (s = 8).
Renouncing to the symmetry of the two swings there can however exist in the dihedral
cases of intrinsical symmetry, when on the reduced projection frame the nuclear points
are symmetric with respect to the axis of homology.
The above conditions geometrically result in the co-planarity of the take axes (e — o),
and beside in the equidistance of the principal points of the dihedral of the edges
(d, = d,).
2nd. On the photographic frames of a take arrangement, two zones projectively cor-
respond, when each nuclear beam that traverses one zone, has its homologous nuclear
beam that traverses the other zone. There follows that for the survey of a spatial object,
independently from the consideration of the width of the take fields of the single photo-
cameras, it is a necessary condition the there exist on two photographic frames two
zones that projectively correspond to each other. The condition is not sufficient, but it
offers a measure of the possible use for a given arrangement of the two photographic
frames which in ideal conditions should correspond totally projectively.
It is easy to demonstrate that while in the take arrangements at parallel axes (normal
or oblique, see Fig. 13 and 14) the two frames always totally projectively correspond
to each other, in those at axes non-parallel (converging or askew) this total correspondence
only happens in the very particular case of intrinsical symmetry. When the symmetry of
the frame swings falls short, the projective correspondence is practically complete.
In every other arrangement in which, because of asymmetry of the take azimuth, or
because of difference of heights of the stations, or because of differences in the elevations
of the take axes, there should be intrinsical asymmetry, the photographic take frames
correspond only partially in zones of these. In these cases there results the convenience
to ascertain beforehand the entity of the before said corresponding zones, which can be
done most quickly with the homolog-comparator according to the parameters of the pro-
jective representation of the take, as results from Fig. 4 and from the Fig. 9d.
The corresponding zones on the two frames are, in fact comprised among the nuclear
beams limiting the sectors of the two bundles of rays which correspond to each other,
each bundle passing through one of the frames.
The necessary condition of the zones correspondence on the two frames, sets practical
limits of employ to the three factors of take asymmetry, inside of which the limits of
performance of the homolog-comparator are practically contained.
a) Definitions.
When a ground take stereophotogrammetrical arrangement is, in a most general
way, removed from the normal one (complanary plates and horizontal base) also in the
survey of objects having simply linear development, the analytical plotting in the reference
to a horizontalized trine could present some difficulty in the execution of the numerical
1) The conventional term “symmetrical” (not intrinsically) remains only for those ar-
rangements where a, + a, = 180°.