the development time can be increased to a maximum of 21 minutes, at which
point the fog level begins to rise noticeably. With Weston readings of 800 or
over, the development time should be kept at 10 or 11 minutes. Of course, if
the light reading falls to 75 Weston, the diaphragm may be opened to f:8, and
if the reading is as low as Weston 50 it is generally necessary to use an opening
of 1.6.3.
The timer used in the analyzer includes a three-wheel digital counter and a
rotating drum marked with ten helical lines visible through a slit, a lamp to
illuminate the timer face, and a constant speed motor to drive the mechanism.
The digital counter may be read directly in seconds, tenths of seconds, and
hundredths of seconds. Still smaller time divisions are recorded by the rotating
helical lines, visible through the viewing slit as white dashes which move from
the bottom to the top of the slot in 0.01 second. Markings behind the slit make it
easy to read to thousandths of a second because the 1/6,000th second exposure
freezes the dash and yields an image of great clarity.
The unit is driven by a 6-volt D.C. motor, accurately controlled by a
vibrating tuned reed to a speed of 900 R.P.M.
Tracking is accomplished by manually swinging the crossbar that extends
across the top of the camera parallel to the focal plane. Tracking with the
analyzer has been facilitated by the incorporation of an automatic pick-up
and release mechanism that enables the operator to track through 74 degrees
before the shutter mechanism becomes operative, and to track through a similar
angular distance after the shutter has crossed the plate and has ceased to oper-
ate. This lead-in and follow-out tracking of the target before and after recording
permits the operator to find the target and to accommodate his tracking speed
to it before any exposures are made. The pick-up and release mechanism oper-
ates in either direction, from left to right, or from right to left.
Another device calculated to aid in tracking consists of the weights attached
to the tracking arms. The use of inertia weights was decided upon after ex-
perimentation with other inertia devices, such as flywheels and friction slip
clutches, because inertia weights offered the most flexible and versatile method
of smoothing out the tracking process. If a particular test requires very rapid
tracking acceleration, for example, the weights can be omitted entirely or smaller
weights used instead of heavy ones. Similarly it is possible to use shorter track-
ing arms for certain types of tests.
The conversion of the rotary motion of the tracking head into the linear
motion of the traversing shutter is done by the use of a tangent bar, slotted on
its rearward end to engage a pin that actuates the shutter-moving mechanism.
The tangent bar moves in an arc with the tracking head; and as this bar moves,
the pin in its slot (and the entire shutter mechanism) moves laterally in a path
parallel to the focal plane. The tangent bar and the slotted pin mechanically
perform the trigonometric corrections necessary to convert angular motion to
constant scale linear motion. Thus the progression of images on an analyzer
plate form an accurate reproduction of the forward motion of the target, and
mathematical trigonometric correction of the values on the plate is unnecessary.
The target is tracked visually through 6X30 binoculars (10X50 on the
Model VI analyzer) equipped with a reticle showing two vertical lines represent-