different transmission frequencies for adjacent Analyzers. In a four Analyzer
set-up, for example, the first will beam its pulse on the 217.550 megacycle band,
the second the 219.450 megacycle band; the third the 217.550 megacycle band
again, and the fourth will use the 219.450 channel. Each receiver is equipped
with a multivibrator type selector gate which locks out the 217.550 megacycle
signal the instant the first pulse is received on the 219.450 megacycle band.
Fic. 11. Dual channel pulse linking receiver.
After a brief interval the device resets itself and is ready to lock out the 219.450
megacycle band the instant it receives its first pulse from the third Analyzer on
the 217.550 megacycle band. This pattern of operation repeats each time
another Analyzer begins to track the target.
For short and spasmodic flight
test work, the enlargements of the
Analyzer give quick and simple media
for data reduction and computa-
tion. Where a large volume of test
work is being done, it is essential that
accessory equipment be provided for
data reduction. Just as aerial pho-
tography requires stereo-planigraphs
or stereo-plotters, so it has become
necessary to develop a Data Reader
for Flight Analyzer recording work.
Such a powered comparator Data
Reader is illustrated in Figure 12. It
incorporates a unique power-driven
comparator stage with large projected
image screen for selection, and iden-
tification of the target to be meas-
ured. At the same time a highly mag-
nified projection of the image (30 X)
is given on a small second screen
powered comparator with Analog- where it may be very accurately posi-
Digitator Output. tioned with respect to the cross hair
FrG. 12. Fairchild Data-Reader. A