screen. The only difference is that for each new contour picture the material
block is moved in or out of the cutting plane of the cutter in a straight line.
Different heights of the relief are obtained by changing the distances between
the cutting planes of the material block. The shorter the distance, the lower the
relief. Changing the distance is effected by exchanging a few gears, which
control this distance automatically, and thereby eliminate the thickness di-
mensions. Figure 9 shows the paths the cutter made for carving a sculptured
relief portrait.
The carved relief portrait is finished in the same way as an all-around por-
Fic. 8. Recording device for making a form and Fic. 9. Paths made by cutter for carving a
expression record for a relief portrait. sculptured relief portrait.
trait, by shaving away the excessive material between the cutting grooves,
until they disappear. After the hair has been modeled by hand, and a back-
ground added, the relief is ready for making a plaster cast, for the foundry or
the marble cutter.
These new sculpturing methods bring science to art. The sculptor is not
limited in his artistic endeavor, but his technique is improved by providing
him with a tool that secures a likeness in a sculptured portrait. Miniature por-
traits for jewelry and for monumental portraits can be made with the same
The sculptor can carve out a portrait with a slight distortion, if he wants