Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

Frc. 1. Oblique view of Donaldson Stereo Camera showing: A. Scale for adjustment of inter- 
ocular distances for parallax control. B. Scale adjustment to control depth effect. C. Matched 
rhomboid prisms. D. Cone of stroboscopic lamp. E. Cocking mechanism. F. Matched lenses. G. 
Magnification scales. H. Focusing lamps. I. Field lights for framing subject. 
preciated in the field of medicine, its adoption is being accelerated by the 
availability of simplified photographic and viewing equipment. 
Some of the projects under-way at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 
which utilize stereoscopic photography, are as follows: Studies of the vascular 
system in situ or in gross specimens to show dimensional changes under the 
influence of drugs or gases; studies designed to demonstrate and measure the 
changes in bone structure under stress caused by weight, muscular pull, posture 
Fic. 2. Artist's sketch showing path of focusing light and light image pathways through: 
A. Rhomboid prism, B. lens, F. mirror. E. Focusing lamps, G. field lamps. 

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