Consequently, a given tree crown will be more underestimated
if a smaller scale is used, which is also stated by Spurr. Such
a difference is not proved by the investigations made here, where
pictures enlarged to 1: 15 000 have been used. This may be due
to the different enlargements of the negatives, which may mean
that the resolving power of the 1: 16 000 negatives is not fully
With an optical magnification of 4 X in the instrument the
linear magnification is 4.3 X for the largest and 8.8 »X for the
smallest photography scale.
According to Spurr, the type of crown considerably affects
the systematic error. Trees with thin crowns are more under-
estimated than trees with wide crowns. The trees here measured
are chiefly pines with normal crowns. In the Háüllnàs field:
pines only. In the V. Skedvi field: pines, some spruce and birch.
In the Ostad field: pines, some spruce and broad-leaved trees
of different species. Pines and spruce have different crowns but
the material was not extensive enough to allow distinction be-
tween them.
For the Ostad field, however, conifers and broad-leaved trees
have been distinguished. Table 10.
Table 10
Systematic errors (in metres) for conifers and broad-leaved trees
in the Ostad field.
Conifers Broad-leaved trees
Operator Scale . Sr
Number Number
1 1:16 000 40 — 2.6 65 — 1.9
1:26 000 38 — 3.6 69 — 1.8
1 : 33 000 43 — 2.9 62 — 1.0
2. 1:16 000 49 — 3.1 12 0.7
1 : 26 000 48 5.0 73 - 2.3
1 : 33 000 49 3.4 11 1.8
Conifers having cone-shaped crowns are more underestimated
than the broad-leaved trees, which is in accordance with in-
vestigations performed earlier.
The systematic errors are also influenced by the accuracy in
the determination of flying altitude and base. Moreover, topo-