Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

9. 24. Estimation of the composition of the stand. 
Judging the proportion of pine and spruce in a stand is very 
difficult especially with young growth stands. The portion of 
broad-leaved species can be more certainly estimated though this 
depends on the season of the photography. 
The estimations of stand composition have been prepared only 
in regard to the inmixture of broad-leaved species. The Hällnäs 
field contains broad-leaved species to a very slight extent. This 
field is not included in the estimations. The other two fields 
contain broad-leaved species to a large extent. 
Table 22 
Distribution of the number of incorrect estimations of the portion of 
broad-leaved species. (All interpreters included) 
Errors in portion of broad-leaved species. (In tenths) | 
Seale| Field| à |1/10|9/10 3/10|4/10| 5/10|6/10| 7/10 8/10| 9/10 10/10! Total 
> Ô 811 87111 8191 21 61417121 71145 
= S 93-1911 7]254]| —] | om em les 95 
* Poeta] 145 1 28. ] 19 |42 1:9 58 15094 1^ v 179 1 7. 240 
% 60 11221 AL 51 4141 21 21.311778 14100 | 
N a d RE it a 
oT eae eL s ssl 9d ad À— Ls. 
S S 4 iomisisiidiiiAadi-—-i-[-—|[slsli 
| = | T 1 | ] | | | | 
= | Total| 118 |85 |17|16| 6| 5/ 4) 8[ 2 1[— | 208 
= % be 1791 8 ei aa 21a rj .300 
us 56 | 18:18) 8| 1145 6 | 19 |-8|vie) — | 415 
= S | 48 |} 29/11} 9/1} 2}/—/ 1, —} - | 96 
“| "Total! 99 || 24/12/12 | 8] 9) 41.9] — 1 — | 211 
T g | 4.191111] 6| $6] 4| 41 2] 1 | | 100 
In the Ostad field the 1:26 000 scale was photographed on 
July 12 while the other two scales were photographed on June 4, 
when foliage was rather light in tone on the photos. Therefore, 
not so good a result is to be expected for the 1:26 000 photos, 
taken 5 weeks later. However, this is not shown by table 22. 
Only the interpreter II got a worse result at 1: 26 000 scale. For 

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