American cities, Consistent negative
density averages and owner-occupancy,
occupational status groups. In Birmingham, the description of resi-
dential subareas in terms of
essentially defined the ecologi
these correlations demonstrat
and urban social Structure,
to have greatest predictive
correlations were found between
income, and proportions of high
"high" and "out dwelling-unit density
cal pattern of racial segregation. While
€ associations between dwelling-unit density
this particular data category, was found
value with respect to population size and
density rankings of residential neighborhoods,
As might be expected, for all cities studied, the correlations
between average number of dwellings
average number of persons
«95 and above.
tion estimates for residenti
For example, with reference
Birmingham subareas accor
per block (by census tracts) and
per block were consistently on the order of
This fact provides a basis for deriving certain popula-
al neighborhoods studied photographically,
to Table 2 above, the ranks of the seventeen
ding to photo data on dwelling-unit density
correlate .95 with their ranks on population density,
In another evaluation of thig item, forty-three Rochester, New
York census tracts we
re grouped into five dwelling-unit density classes
ranging from "very low!" to "very high", the accuracy tests having indicated
the validity of similar i
tation. The resident popul
‘per block was computed as shown below,
An analysis of varianc
nformation collected by photographic interpre-
ation density in average number of persons
Dwelling-Unit Average Number of
Density Persons per Block
Very Low 89
Low 123
Medium 153
High 175
Very High 246
e test showed that these sharp differences in
resident population density are highly significant statistically. These
results thus indicate that the photo i
neighborhoods according to these dwell
à meaningful description of population
Multi-Variate Analy:-g of
The several ecological analyses b
strated that the various physical stru
the four photo data ite
of the city,
nterpreter!s classification of
ing-unit density categories provides
density patterns within the urban
Urban Structures
riefly described above demon-
ctural categories derived from
Ms are useful for defining the social topography
However, generally speaking, any one îtem, as a single