variable, has somewhat limited predictive value. This fact, coupled
with a theoretical position recognizing existence of plural structure-
function interdependencies within the urban social system, suggests
the application of multi-variate analytical techniques to obtain more
complete definitions of socio-physical relationships. Such procedures,
including index construction and scale analysis, might be expected to
yield more precise formulations regarding the predictive value of the
photographic data.
Exploratory investigations of this nature attempted applications
of the Guttman scalogram model? to the six regional cities. This tech-
nique offers a convenient procedure for combining several qualitative
variables which, if scalable, form a single continuum defining the exact
position or rank of each object (or subarea) in relation to every other
object in the sample. It was hypothesized that the photo data categories,
considéred as physical structural attributes of residential neighborhoods,
represent a scalable content area. Since, for American cities, the photo
items, in general, reflect status location and ability to pay for pre-
ferred residential sites, the hypothetical continuum could be called a
scale of ‘tresidential desirability." This scale, comprising the several
physical structural categories might then be expected to correlate
significantly with a variety of social data categories. Because of the
mathematical properties of the Guttman scale variable, this technique
simplifies the problem of gaining maximum predictive power from the
series of photo data categories, and thus provides for more precise
definitions of linkages with the urban social structure. Specifically,
the outstanding advantage of the scalogram method is that the scale
variable, used as a predictor, has a value equal to the multiple cor-
relation of all the combined photo data attributes with the particular
external variable of interest.
Analyses of the six cities revealed preliminary supporting evidence
of the scalability of the physical structural categories. In all cases
it was possible to construct fully acceptable or closely approximated
scales of residential desirability. The scalogram model for Chattanooga,
Tennessee reflected the pattern of racial segregation in that city, In
the case of Spokane, Washington, the scale types helped to define the
ecological pattern of the social areas of the city by portraying rental
value distributions, In Austin, Bridgeport and Spokane, the residential
desirability scale scores correlated on the order of .85 with median
annual income, Generally speaking, the exploratory tests indicated the
residential desirability scale variable to be a considerably efficient
predictor of the socio-economic status ranks of urban subareas.
9, For a complete treatment of the Guttman scale analysis method
see Samuel A, Stouffer, et al, Measurement and Prediction, Princeton,
N, Jo: Princeton University Press, 1950.