The Stereo-slope Comparator (flg. I) consists of two gear housings joined
to a central block by sliding tubes. A shaft on which a target is mounted projects
Figure |. -- The Stereo-slope Comparator
from each housing. Movement of the targets is synchronized by a gear arrangement .
Control knobs on either housing and on the central block control the three motions
of the synchronized targets. These motions are:
a. Separation
b. Horizontal swing
c. Slope angle
The separation motion is controlled by two knobs, A and B. (fig. I). Knob
A, when loosened, permits rapid separation of the two gear housings. The amount of
the separation can be increased or decreased. Knob A must be tightened after the
approximate separation is obtained. Knob B controls a screw by which a finer adjust-
ment of separation can be made.
The horizontal swing motion of the shafts parallel to the base of the instru-
ment is controlled from either housing by knob C or C'. By adjusting either of these
knobs, the two shafts can be simultaneously swung to any desired position within an
arc of 180°, By rotating the instrument 180° in reference to the viewing board or desk
and by a similar adjustment of knob C or C', the shafts can be swung another 180°,
completing a 360? arc of movement.