Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

Fig. 3. Map C — 1:8000 (reduced 2/3) — compiled hy photogrammetric methods 
from negatives at a scale of 1:13 000. 
numbers on. Two corresponding squares from each of the four maps 
were reproduced in the figures 1, 2, 3 and 4. The area of every section 
and of every square were measured with a planimeter. l'inally a ground 
description was prepared containing informations about section- and 
square-number, area, character of land, soil type, degree of stone blocks, 
tree species, moisture, forest site and appraisal. After that it was poss- 
ible to compare the corresponding squares, and the sections within 
them, in respect to geometrical position and area etc. 
1:8000 (reduced 2/3) 
from negatives at a scale of 1:8 000. 
compiled by photogrammetric methods 

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