places, i.e. monocularily.(Fig.?)
If one wants to inves-
tigate the proportion of the
sunlit parts of the ground
within a stereoscopio model
of a wooded area, one only has
to put up à third lamp in such
a way, that its light is direc-
ted towards the model-forest
from the same direction as na-
tural sunlight. Those parts of
the ground, that are sunlit Visible in stereo
and visible in stereo, are il- : Monocularily visible
luminated by all three lamps, #8 Not visible
and the parts illuminated by Fig.5
the sun-lamp and one of the camera-lamps are monocularily vi-
sible in the model.
In the same way one can study the influence of the
altitude of the sun.
Fig. 4 shows how the experiment was performed.
In Pj and P2 two lamps were placed at a distance corre-
sponding to the base on scale 1:200, P1 and P2 - the two
exposure-locus of an air-camera. On the floor a grid was
marked, wich covered one fourth of the stereocovered part
of the floor. The model-forest was placed on the points Al,
A2, A5... A155; Bl, B2, Blesesses B15; C1 etc. The lamps
were turned on and the photographic paper was exposed.
After development and fixing the area of the double-illumi-