Naval Photo Interpretation
other hand, has more prominent side-streams, perhaps,
than the four craft up to the right in the picture, but her
central streams is of different volume and pattern.
Thus, the picture in Fig. 4 presents not less than
four different wake patterns, probably as a result of four
different hull designs.
Through series of experimental tests with vessels
" jt has been
of different types and classes as ''targets
possible to state the usefulness of wave and wake patterns
as decisive factors when analyzing verticals, even as re-
gards relatively small scale ones. Low obliques may offer
good possibilities as well (see Fig. 4). High obliques, on
the other hand, are as a rule more or less unsuitable for
the purpose.
Therefore, a close study of wave and wake patterns
of ships of current interest seems to be of special value
to the important branch of naval photo interpretation,
called identification.