Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

For the range of 40 to 77 mm all focal lengths are adjustable to 0.01 mm. The 
largest picture size for plotting is 11.5 X 11.5 em (4!/, X 4!/,"). It is also possible 
to plot reduced pictures taken with the 15 cm (6") wide-angle camera lenses. The obser- 
vation system of the prototype has a 6 X magnification on trial. 
The construction of the WILD A9 Autograph is similar to that of the A7. The 
disconnectable Y carriage travels on rails mounted on the base plate and supports the 
disconnectable X carriage carrying the Z column. This column carries the Z carriage 
and the space-rod sleeves with the base components by and bz on both sides. X and Y 
are read to five significant digits on the counters. The height readings are made directly 
on the projection screen of the exchangeable glass scales in metres or feet. 
The X component of the base is adjusted by displacing the two plotting cameras on 
the main frame. 
The measurement can be made in the positions “base inside" and ‘‘base outside”. 
Both cameras can be swung, tipped and tilted separately. Just as for the A7 the floating 
mark is arranged immediately below the diapositive in a prism carriage, controlled 
by space-rods in the swinging girder so that the floating marks always move exactly 
parallel to the picture plane during plotting. The diapositives are illuminated by 6 volt 
lamps with reflectors. 
The observation system is arranged for diapositives. The left and right image can be 
interchanged in the eyepieces and optical rotation of the images by Dove prism is provi- 
ded. The eye separation is adjustable. Correction for unparallelism of the eye axes as 
The base carriage is guided in the X and Y direction by handwheels with two trans- 
mission gears, the height setting is adjusted with a foot disk. 
For rapid relative orientation the X and Y carriages can be disconnected and guided 
The Autograph is connected to a small drawing table by means of a transmission 
gear in such manner that the operator can work without an assistant. The drawing point 
can be lifted electromagnetically. 
Operation Ranges. 
Swing: 2! x” = :t 308 
Lateral tilt: œ = q«" = € bg 
Longitudinal tilt: ¢’ q" - Dg 
bx = -- 145 mm (designated = 290 units) 
by = -- 10 mm (designated = 20 units) 
bz = — 10 mm (designated = 20 units) 
X -— - 130 mm (designated = 260) 
+ 150 mm (designated -- 300) 
Z = 50 to 100 mm (designated 100 to 200) 
The maximum space-rod inclination along X and Y amounts to — 668, 
The field of view in the plane of the diapositive has a diameter of 40 mm (19/,,”) for 
the sixfold magnification and corresponds to a diameter of 80 mm (3 !/,") in the original 
photograph with a format of 9 X 9". This greatly facilitates the reading of small-scale 
Particularly for small-scale maps the topographer wants to gain a general view of 
a large part of the terrain for realizing and judging the features readily. The A9 supplies 
for example a 1: 24.000 model of the terrain taken at the flight height H = 6200 m 
on the scale 1:70.000. The scale 1:24.000 allows the dependable interpretation 
of the picture contents to be mapped, as the stereoscopic model provides a comprehensive 
view of an area of nearly 25 km? (9.5 sq. miles) surrounding the floating mark. 

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