Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

Work Progress in Photogrammetry by The Chinese Society 
of Photogrammetry on Formosa 1953—1956 
The Chinese Society of Photogrammetry (CSP) on Formosa was founded in 
December 1954 with its Headquarters at the Forest Research Institute, Bota- 
nical Garden, Taipei, Taiwan. Work in Photogrammetry has been started by 
many of its members long before this official founding of the CSP. 
1. Membership: The Society has at present a membership of 149 consisting 
of (a) 142 paying members, (b) 5 honorary members and (c) 3 organization or 
group members, namely, China Agricultural Aerial Survey Co. Ltd., Experimen- 
tal Forest, National Taiwan University and Taiwan Forest Administration. 
By professional background the members of CSP are composed of specialists 
in the following fields: 
Field of Specialization Number of Members 
Forestry... oo oer eer ds es eral 69 
Land Surveying 
Aeneulture esee e eu 
Geology a. N 
2. Publication: The Society has been publishing a quarterly in Chinese under 
the general title of Technical Bulletins on Photogrammetry. Published papers 
of photogrammetric interest include the following: 
Title Volume No. 
Introducing the Land Use and Forest Resource Survey ........... 
Land Use Survey by Photogrammetry ...... ......... hc... .... 
Delineation of Forest Type and Standsize Classes on Aerial Photos 
Forest Photo-Interpretation .......….........….…………îî'_…..…... ‘| 
Ground Measurement in Aerial Forest Survey ............1.. NL 
Survey Design and Compilation of Data in Land Use and Forest survey .......…..…. 
An Epuation for Computing Deviation of Contour Lines Drawn from Vertical Photo- 
Sampling Technique in Agricultural & Forest Aerial Surveys ...................... 
Agricultural and Forestry Surveys by Means of Aerial Photographs 
Applications. of. Photogrammetry ..... sace cer EN 
Photogrammetry as Applied in Geography and Geology ............. 
Photogrammetry and Engineering o. ov. eere erbe ree +. 
Cartographical Procedures in Mapping Land Use and Forest Resources from Aerial 
Some technical Notes from Operating 
Photogrammetry Course Begins in the National Taiwan University 
3. Business Contacts: The Society has established business and academic 
contacts through correspondence and representations with the following agen- 

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