Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

maps the photographs were examined stereoscopically and delineated by land 
use type, problem area, forest type and stand-size class. The information on the 
photographs were then transferred to the basic contour maps after spot ground 
check was made. All information was condensed and printed on 1/250,000 topo- 
graphic map with minimum mapping area of 250 hectares, ten times of that for 
the 1/50,000 maps. In addition, 1/1,700,000 maps with same information were 
produced for illustrative purpose in the report. 
This survey started in April 1954. Photo plot interpretation (including 
training programs) and photo delineation (including field check) were completed 
in May 1955. Mapping was finished in September 1955 and compilation of data 
in March 1956. 
[var Hæggstrôms Boktryckeri AB - Stockholm 1957 

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