Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

Photogrammetry in surveying of liquids in motion 
It was proposed to the Istituto di Topografia e Geodesia of the University 
of Trieste, the problem of surveying the surface of a liquid in motion in an 
experimental canal, where some obstacles were set which perturbed the regular 
movement of the liquid, and gave to its surface an apparence characterised 
by vortices and complicated waves. 
For the photogrammetric survey of the free surface of the liquid. two 
cameras of the Multiplex Zeiss instrument, belonging to the Institute, were 
employed; they were held in normal position on the canal, by using al support 
similar to that of the original plotting apparatus. 
Simultaneous exposures were obtained by means of an electronic flash. 
The liquid's surface was made visible by paraffine powder thrown on it 
with a special apparatus, immediately before taking the exposures. 
The model was plotted by rigorous application of Porro's principle, with 
the same cameras employed for the exposures; contours were drawn by means 
of anaglyphes. 
2. BLOCK W. 
Stereophotogrammetrische Aufnahmen hydrodynamischer Vorgänge 
mittels Nahphotogrammetrie - Raumbild (1935), S. 249-251. 
Die Photogrammetrie im Dienste des Wasserbaues des Schiffbaues 
und der Meereskunde -  Bildmessung und  Luftbildwesen (1936), 
S. 62-75. 
Die Photogrammetrie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Ver- 
wendung im Wasserbau und im wasserbautechnischen Versuchswesen 
- Jb. Hafenbautechnischen Gesellschaft, Bd. 16 (1937-38), S. 88-101. 
Riproduzione di un bassorilievo con procedimenti fotogrammetrici 
- Milano, 1944. Palladio. Anno VI, N* V, VI. 
L'apparecchiatura fotogrammetrica prevista all'Università di Trie- 
ste per lo studio delle onde generate dai modelli di navi. - Tecni- 
ca Italiana, 1956, N^ 1. 

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