Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

Report regarding the experiments of aerial triangulation executed 
for the O.E.E.P.E. 
(Commissions A and B). 
President of the Commission 
of aerial triangulations 
President of the Commission A President of the Commission B 
The aerial triangulations for the O.E.E.P.E. are still being executed and it will take 
quite some time to complete them. 
As a matter of fact, as soon as the present engagements of the Centres shall be 
terminated, new experiments, based on the experience gained, shall be carried out, in 
order to solve as much as possible all those problems which arise in this important field 
of photogrammetry. 
Nevertheless it has been considered useful to give some information about the work 
so far accomplished, because they may give rise to discussions about the adopted proce- 
dures, which will furnish valuable indications for future studies. 
The present report is simply a statistical statement; nevertheless we hope to be able 
to present at the VIIIth International Congress of Photogrammetry in Stockholm some 
results, although they will only be of a provisional nature. 
The Commissions A and B and the Comité Directeur have decided to carry out first 
the compensations of the strips with two standard methods, viz the method v. d. Weele !) 
and the method Verdin 2); the computations of the first method are at present being 
executed at the Bundesamt fiir Eich- und Vermessungswesen, in cooperation with the 
Institute for Applied Mathematics of the University in Vienna; those of the method 
Verdin and being carried out at the Institut Géographique Militaire, Brussels. 
The results of these adjustments will provide us and the Institut Géographique 
Militair with the necessary elements for the continuation of the research and for the 
study of the most suitable methods of compensation in the different cases. 
The choice of the method should therefore not be sought in a preliminary preference 
of a particular procedure of adjustment, but only in the necessity to be able to count on 
the most uniform study-material. 
This report has been divided into two parts: small and medium scale triangulations 
(Commission A) and large-scale triangulations (Commission B). 
(Commission A) 
From the twelve Centres who participate in the experiments, eight are at present 
working for Comm. A; the aerial triangulations, which were begun much too late owing 
to the difficult and complicated preparations of negatives, reproduction and distribution 
of the diapositives, are now being executed as quickly as possible. 
As the Comité Directeur and the Commission had established an order of priority in 
1) A. J. van der Weele: ,,Adjustment of Aerial Triangulation" — Photogrammetria — X. 
1953-54 — 2. 
2) A. Verdin: ,La transformation des coordonnées-appareil en coordonnées-terrain dans 
de cheminement aérien” — Bulletin de la Soc. Belge de Photogrammétrie — 
n. 9i. 

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