Full text: General reports (Part 2)

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o 35 0107 o 45 0111 o112 .o113 0114 o115 0116 
034 0106 0108 044 
0101 o104 0105 0106 
0105 033 043 909109 
032 042 091 094 095 096 
031 o 41 
o81 o 83 086 
0104 97 o446- > X 
021 011 071 072 076 
022 012 
61 B2 963 o8^ a2 B68 X 
0103 023 013 0111 
024 0102 0112 914 51 052 056 
025 101 015 
41 043 046 
Fig. 1. Base zero. Positions in the projection plane and 031 034 935 236 
notations of the grid points to be measured. 
2921 024 025 026 
511 012 013 014 015 016 
Fig. 2. Basein. Positions in the projection plane and notations 
of the grid points to be measured in the left projector. 61 is 
the projected principal point of the projector. y 
The grid points to be measured in the left projector are demonstrated in Fig. 2. The same procedure 
for the measurements must be used as indicated under point 1.11 for base zero. In the right projector 
the grid points are to be chosen and measured in a corresponding manner. 
1.2 The computations 
The computations were performed according to the grid method — see [3] — which means among 
other things that the method of least squares is used throughout. From the general solution of the 
normal equations, corrections to the elements of the external orientation, radial distortion etc. are 
expressed as direct functions of the observations. 
In particular the corrections to the elements of the external orientation, the standard error of 
unit weight of the coordinate measurements, the radial distortion curve and the residual image 
coordinate errors after the adjustment have been determined and demonstrated. The formulas are 
similar to those demonstrated in [3] and [4]. See Appendix 1. 
All computations were performed in the electronic computer Facit EDB by A. Thunberg and 
B. Blomstedt. 
1.3 Summary of the results of the tests 
A fairly complete demonstration of the most important results of the tests of the instruments is 
given in Appendix 1, p. 19—26. Here we will demonstrate the standard errors of unit weight of the image 
coordinate measurements in the projectors for different conditions (base zero, in and out) and for the 
two instruments Autograph A7 and Stereoplanigraph C8. 

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