Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

= 1468 = 
Ein weiteres Problem ist die Kartierung der Feldergrenzen. Hier 
müssen Fehlklassierungen vorkommen, weil die Teilmatrizen im Grenz- 
bereich Werte beider benachbarten Kulturen aufweisen. Der Vergleich 
der Feldkarte (Abb. 2) mit der automatisch erstellten Landnutzungs- 
karte (Abb. 3) zeigt wie die Resultate für den vorliegenden Fall zu 
werten sind. Hàufig sind die Teilmatrizen an den Feldergrenzen gar 
nicht klassiert worden. 
The automatic interpretation of large scale colour aerial photographs 
allows a rapid identification of crop types and a maplike presentation 
in form of a computer-print. The acreage of each crop type can easily 
be computed. Ground control will be reduced to some homogenous sample areas. 
Infrared colour aerial photographs (1:8,500, 6.6.64, Stammheim ZH) were 
scanned and digitized with the Optronics-photomation-system in three 
. colour screens (red, green, blue). Most important is the appropriate se- 
lection of the diaphragm. Good crop classification results could be ob- 
tained by scanning the photographs with a diaphragm of 25 p, whilst the 
use of a 100 p diaphragm was not successful. 
For the classification the digitized photo was segmented into little ma- 
trices. Then the mean and the standard deviation of each matrix was cal- 
culated for the red, green and blue values. Using these six variables for 
the classification of the crop types satisfactory results could be achieved. 
JV Literatur 
FASLER F., 1978, IBIS, Ein interaktives Bildinterpretationssystem, 
Int'l Symp. on Remote Sensing, Freiburg i.Br. BRD 
LINTZ J. and SIMONET D.S., 1976, Remote Sensing for Environment, 
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 
MAURER H., 1974, Quantification of Textures - Textural parameters 
and their significance for classifying agricultural 
crop types from colour aerial photographs, Photo- 
grammetria 30, p.21-40 
SEIDEL K., 1976, Digitale Bildverarbeitung, Technischer Bericht des 
Photographischen Inst. der ETH Zürich 
TOMLINSON F., 1972, Geographical Data Handling, Symp. Edition Int'l. 
Geographical Union Commission, Ottawa, Canada 

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