Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

Switzerland. 31. STIRNEMANN H.P., 1977: Schneedecke und Schneegrenzzone in Satelliten- 
neva. aufnahmen - ein Vergleich mit Luftbildern und Bodeninformationen. 
led Analysis M.A.-Thesis, Univ. of Zurich. 
Ce Surveys. 32. URFER H.P., 1978: Routinemássige Schneekartierung in hydrologischen 
ion A, Einzugsgebieten mit Landsat-Daten. M.A.-Thesis, Univ. of Zurich. 
lected: Solar 33. WARSKOW W.L., WILSON T.T. + KIRDAR K., 1975: The Application of Hydro- 
belt MD meteorological Data Obtained by Remote Sensing Techniques for Multi- 
) : purpose Reservoir Operations. Operational Applications of Satellite 
idsat-] Data. Snowcover Observations, NASA SP-391, Washington D.C. 
5, NASA 34. WIESNET D.R. + Mc GINNIS D.F., 1974: Snow-Extent Mapping and Lake Ice 
Studies Using ERTS-1 MSS together with NOAA-2VHRR. Proc. 3rd ERTS-1 
J Areal Extent Symp., NASA SP-351, Vol. 1, Washington D.C. 
Aircraft and 
) f Snow and 
ih J.L., 
, of Satellite 
lating Snowcover 
‘tional Appli- 
lashington D.C. 
)p, Houston. 
jn im 
>, Univ. 
:tral Reflectance 
lannover, New 
ping Snow 
Jata for Snow 
Audeling, Oslo. 
cover Obser- 
Tahoe, Calif., 
er Monitoring 
al Applications 
1owcover Obser- 
à Snowcover 

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