Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

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sible for 
me. There- 
ater pene- 
iver, and 
a mount were 
35mm format enlarged with a Vantage II microfilm reader can be used 
for photo interpretation of stream habitat. 
The aircraft floor camera mount provides greater operator safety 
and accuracy of camera operation than the aircraft door camera mount. 
The photographer can view the target through the eamera range finder 
inside the aircraft whereas the door mount system utilizes a sighting 
device for judging target location. 
The 35mm format provides economy for experimental use but has the 
disadvantage of small size and potentially large number of individual 
slides that must be identified and handled. 
Larger formats 70mm, 5x5 or 9x9 can be more easily handled with a 
light table and stereo magnification. 
The color infrared film gave good water penetration in clear streams 
with 1/2 f stop overexposure. Riparian vegetation shows up well at 
this level of exposure. 
Ektachrome X with Wratten 3 filter and 2 f stop overexposure provides 
good water penetration and evaluation of stream bed sedimentation. 
Riparian vegetation is not easily identified in the yellow and brown 
colors that result from this exposure. This method does not provide 
the contrast in colors found in CIR film which allows for evaluation 
of stream habitat conditions. 
Thanks are extended to Richard Kerr, Wildlife Staff Leader, Denver 
Service Center, Bureau of Land Management who encouraged the develop- 
ment of remote sensing techniques for streams, to Fred Batson, 
Montana State Office, BLM for providing equipment and expertise in 
techniques used in remote sensing, to Wally Crisco, Office of Special 
Mapping, BLM, Denver, for his help in photo interpretation and 
Literature Cited 
Lockwood, Harold E., Lincoln Perry, Gerard E. Saver and Noel T. Lamar. 
1974. Water Depth Penetration Film Test.  Photogrammeric 
Engineering 1303-1314. 
Meyer, Merl P. 1973. Operating Manual - Montana 35mm Aerial Photo- 
graph System (lst Revision). Univ. of Minn. College of Forestry, 
St. Paul, Minnesota.

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