Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

"integral interpretation" 
= This interpretation method incorporates all information 
tions- obtained for the same region by other technical sciences. 
n Gebiet TERT 
"internal interpretation" 
= This interpretation method does not make use of 
tion information obtained for the same region by other 
: technical sciences. 
en Gebiet 
Objective of interpretation 
Recognition of landscape structure and landscape 
household of a central European landscape. 
Performance of the experimental research 
o Placed at disposal are: 3 overlapping aerial photographs 
1:60 000 for stereo observation (Cronapaque contact 
Luftbilder ; ; à 
prints, size 23cm x 23cm) and 1 enlargement of an aerial 
e auf photograph 1:25 000 (Cronapaque). 
o Geographical position of the first test-area: "Central 
: 0 For the integral interpretation the following sequence 
ihenfolge should be observed: Appendix 1.

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