Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

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Flector. in: 
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The Ciergnon test site (Famenne) 
A.Ceusters,R.Gombeer, H.Gulinck,N.Sougnez,J.D'Hoore 
Laboratorium voor Bodemgenese en Bodemgeografie K.U.Leuven 
Centrum voor Landbouwkundige en Ekologische Interpretatie 
van Teledetektiegegevens (C.L.E.I.T. - I.W.O.N.L.) 
The almost rectangular test site of 7 x 8 km (5.670 ha) is located in the 
Famenne, a small natural region between the Condroz and the Ardennes. 
Four land use categories have been retained: coniferous forest (Picea 
abies dominant), deciduous forest (Quercus, Carpinus), grassland and 
cultivated land. The two CCT's studied were recorded on 22/3/1973 and 
Homogeneous test arcas the land use of which was correctly known were 
located by means of the NMAPW (ORSER) programme. and spectral signatures 
were statistically analysed by means of the STATS programme. This has 
shown that in the Famenne, both in March and in May band 5 is the most 
Radiance ranges for each category in band 5 were then introduced in the 
EXIO programme, which produced a map according to preset radiance limits 
and a distribution statistics, which was in close agreement with data 
obtained by planimetry on the 1/25.000 NGI map. 
The supervised classification programme CANAL, which makes use of the 
four spectral bands, gave results that were rather similar to those pro- 
duced by EXIO. 
The application of computer aided analysis of remote sensing data to rural 
economy and regional planning problems presents some obvious advantages. 
Besides the fact that much of the work can be automatized,maplike repre- 
sentations can be generated which allow a rather exact positioning of pi- 
xels on the terrain, at least in a well mapped country. ,Secondly,programmes 
can be aimed at specific land use features at propitious times of the year, 
and then yield good approximations of spatial distribution at the time of 
the overflight.

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