humiféres à pseudogley
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ASECNA - Haute Volta, Service Meteorologique, 1972: Tableaux
climatatologiques, Edition Août 1972.
GOEDICKE, P.T., 1974: Möglichkeiten der langfristigen Entwicklung
der Sahelländer Obervolta, Mali und Niger.
Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammen-
arbeit, Bonn.
SAVONNET, G., 1968: Atlas de Haute-Volta, Carte des densites de
population. Centre Voltaique de la Recherche
Upper Volta is one of the most densely populated areas of West Africa.
More than 90 % of the gainfully employed work in agriculture. As the
agricultural yield is generally small, it is absolutely necessary to use
the land with great care in order to secure the food supply of the country.
LANDSAT imagery interpretation was to give indications for improved land
Altogether 25 soil units could be differentiated on a soil map which was
compiled on the basis of LANDSAT imagery and compared with the con-
ditions in the field, The river systems, colours and/or grey shades as
well as the distribution of vegetation served as criteria for this differentiation.
Within the West African Shield, which consists in this area mainly of granite,
granodiorite, and metamorphic rocks of sedimentary and volcanic origin,
soil mapping proved to be difficult; only a few soil units could be distinguished
with certainty, It was possible to map the sedimentary rocks (mainly sand-
stone and aeolian sand) in a more precise and reliable way. The soil properties
determined in field studies and laboratory tests indicate the potential of the
individual locations for agricultural use.
The fields, fallow after harvest, were mapped in the dry and humid savanna
area. The proportion of the savanna under cultivation is a reliable criterion
for the distribution of the population, which varies considerably within the
The reasons for this fact are only partly due to soil properties. There are
areas which are densely populated in spite of unfavourable soil conditions.
On the other hand, there are scarcely populated areas with favourable
locations for agriculture. Wide parts of Upper Volta for example are un-
populated because of onchocercosis (a disease causing blindness). The
interpretation of LANDSAT imagery makes it possible to differentiate
favourable locations for agriculture. After successful measures for combatting
onchocercosis, the promotion of agriculture should be increased here.
Satellite imagery interpretation is thus a source for instructive information
on little developed areas which are of significance for the further development
of the country.