Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

5. Conclusion 
Agro-phenological crop calendars are important tools in the 
proper choice and interpretation of imagery by forecasting 
the chronological appearance of landscape phenomena and 
agricultural activities. They become even more important 
when it is realised that results of many remote sensing 
projects of today are rendered questionable because imagery 
was taken only at a time when a sensor platform was available. 
On the other hand, with the regular cover of the earth's sur- 
face by such systems as LANDSAT, such a quantity of imagery 
becomes available, that the use of a crop calendar becomes 
mandatory to cut down the choice of data. 
In the future, more phenological observations must be made 
specifically for remote sensing purposes and at the same 
time the effect of phenology investigated on imagery. Thus 
optimum use can be made for such an important research and 
survey tool as remote sensing. 
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