Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

ZAUER. M.V., 1975. The role of remote sensing in determining the distribution 
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and yield of crops. Advances in Agronomy, 27 : 271-304 C 
BUCHMAN P. et FRIES R., 1977. A Landsat agricultural monitoring program. F 
43th annual meeting of Photogrammetry, Washington, Feb. 28-March 4, C 
ENGVALL J.L., TUBBS J.D. et HOLMES. Q.A., 1977. Pattern recognition of Landsat 
data based upon temporal trend analysis. Remote Sensing of Envir., 
6 : 303-314 
HEILMAN J.L., KANEMASU E.T., BAGLEY J.0. et RASMUSSEN V.P., 1977. Evaluating 
soil moisture and yield of winter wheat in the great plains using 
Landsat data. Remote Sensing of Envir., 6 : 315-326 
IDSO S.B., JACKSON R.D. et REGINATO R.J., 1977. Remote sensing of crop yyields. 
Canopy temperature and albedo measurements have been quantitatively 
correlated with final harvests of wheat. Science, 196 : 19-25 
its growth and discase severity as deduced from ERST-A. Remote Sensing k 
of Envir., 3 : 255-260 taker 
: A2 2 ; x + d D beinc 
MALET Ph., 1977. Améliorations possibles des modéles statiques et dynamiques 
de prévision de récolte par les données de télédétection. inver 
W. NORBERG MEMORIAL Symposium on the Contribution of Space Observations 
to Global Food Information Systems Tel-Aviv, June 1977, Paper D 4.3 : 4 p. Of sc 
RICHARDSON A.J. et WIEGAND C.L., 1977. Distinguishing vegetation from soil so as 
background information. Photogram. Engin. and Remote Sensing, 43 
1541-1552 crops 
ULARY F.T. et BUSH T.F., 1976. Monitoring wheat growth with radar. 
Photogram. Engin. and Remote Sensing, 42 : 557-568 
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WAITE P.J., 1975. The large area crop inventory experiment (LACIE). deter 
II. Yield estimates from meteorological information. 
Proc. of the N.A.S.A. Earth Resources Survey Symposium. All t 
June 1975 : 63-65 
WESTIN F.C. et LEMME G.D., 1978. Landsat spectral signatures : Studies with 
soil association and vegetation. Photogram. Engin. and Remote drawr 
Sensing, 44 : 315-325 
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