Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

rbit path cover 
is path 126 and 
This coverage 
? site employed 
nost image and 
tudy site repre- 
iwan. It begins 
ugh the coastal 
entral, north/ 
omplete sam- 
y area contain- 
i| clearing is 
iral land cover 
ry insight into 
st area were 
ing an affine 
1 and displayed 
was next under- 
bands to be 
/pes consisting 
diment classes. 
terpreted in 
or the island, 
s and their 6 
isses sought, a 
g. 1.1b) would 
m. The classi- 
ate the spatial 
cover types 
of the land 
30 rows and 30 
nparison of the 
nd the esti- 
lief appearance 
'raymap (Fig. 
croachment of 
llustrates the 
,andsat ground 
en Landsat and 
an. Thus, a 
or reclamation 
Further Information 
Taiwan/Miller and Sung 
Q. C., and Miller, L. D., 1977. Land use/land cover mapping (1 :25,000) of 
Taiwan, Republic of China by automated multispectral interpretation of Landsat 
imagery. NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Rep. X-923-71-210, Greenbelt, 
Maryland. 168 p. 
Lee D. Miller, Texas A&M University, R 
77843 U.S.A. 
emote Sensing Center, Coilege Station, l'exas 
Quo Chang Sung, Mining Research Service Organization, No. 1 Tun Hwa 5. Road, 
Taipei 105, Taiwan, Republic of China 

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