Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

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F CIR products 
g to hydrology, 
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d that they can 
' of the geological 
map of Sierra Leone as well as for semi-detailed studies such as the one 
recently undertaken by the National Mining Company in the alluvial diamond 
mining area of Sierra Leone, 
(n) Coastal Surveys and Fisheries 
Since the new HFAP coverages of Sierra Leone cover a significant part of the 
coastal waters of the country (Fig. 1b) they contain information which could 
be easily extracted for a number of purposes, e.g. 
- Updating the existing navigational charts (e.g. revision of 
coastline features, assessment and delineation of reef 
barriers and location of rocks) 
— Evaluation of off-shore waters for fish production and 
— Studies of estuaries and marine deposits and the analysis of 
constructional and depositional processes. 
(i)  Planimetric Mapping and Topographic Map Revision 
The high altitude aerial photography at scale 1:70,000 constitutes a valuable 
source for upgrading planimetric features of existing topographic maps. At the 
same time, enlarged products can be used in town planning activities. The 
production of medium scale topographic maps has been reported feasible from 
the CIR photographs of Sierra Leone, 
Further good topographic maps of Sierra Leone exist which were produced by 
photogrammetric method using the old photographic coverage of the country. 
However, they do not reflect completely nor accurately enough the latest 
situation regarding road network and human settlements (see Fig. 8), The 
reasons for these are as follows: 
1. Individual farms and small settlements are not necessarily 
permanent, particularly in areas of prevailing shifting 
2 At the same time, footpaths and motorable tracks and some 
secondary road are abandoned or downgraded while mew ones 
are developed, 
3, In and around mining areas, the road network is being 
developed and upgraded, while towns are expanding and new 
settlements created. Conversely, nearby agricultural 
activities are regressing. 
The planning of field work operations will obviously benefit from updated 
information regarding trafficability and accessibility. Consequently, the 
revision and updating of existing topographic maps at a scale of 
1: 250,000 was undertaken, For this colour infrared iransparencies were 
preferred to panchromatic black-and-white products due to their superior 
image quality, the larger scale and finer resolution, and their minimal 
planimetric distortion, 

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