Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

CARNEIRO, C.M,R.: Forest cover mapping from Landsat-MSS data bv 
analogue and computer assisted techniques in the Federal 
Reoublic of Germany. Diss. Freiburg 1978, 180». 
CARNEIRO, C.M.R.: Consideragoes sobre a aplicabilidade nlanime-- 
trica de imagens MSS do Landsat 1 (Some considerations relative 
to the Landsat MSS planimetric applicabilitv) Revista do Centro 
de Ciencias Rurais, Santa Maria, Brasil, 6(3) : 309 - 313, 1976. 
HELLER, R.C,: Evaluation of ERTS 1 data for forest and rangeland 
surveys, Berkeley, Forest Service - USDA, 1975, 67p. 
HILDEBRANDT, G.: Die Bedeutuna der Fernerkundung Für die Forst 
wirtschaft. Paper presented at the 36th Photogrammetric Week 
held at the University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart 5 - 10 Sept. 
1977, 21D. 
HOFFER, R.M.: Techniques and applications for computer aided 
analysis of multispectral scanner data. In "Remote Sensing in 
Forestry" Proceedings of the Svmposium held during the XVI 
IUFRO World Congress, Oslo 1976, n.103-113 
JAAKKOLA, S.: An automated approach to remote sensing oriented 
forest resource survevs. In "Remote Sensing in Forestrv", 
Proceedings of the Symposium held during the XVI IUFRO World 
Congress, Oslo 1976, n.147-156 
KALENSKY, Z,: ERTS thematic map from multidate digital images. 
In Proceedings of the Svmnosium of the International Societv 
of Photogrammetrv, Alberta Oct, 7 - 11, 1974, pn.767-785 
KALENSKY, Z.: Automatic of thematic manping based on remote 
sensing and computerized image interpretation. Remote Sensing, 
Lenggries, Bavaria, August 9 - 21, 1976, 7n. 
LAPIETRA, G,, MEGIER, J.: Acreage estimation of poolar planted 
axeas from Landsat satellite data in northern Italv. In 
"Remote Sensing in Forestrv", Proceedings of the Svmoosium 
during the XVI IUFRO World Congress, Oslo 1976 p.157-170 
MEAD, R. and MEYER, M.: Landsat digital data application to 
forest vegetation and land use classification in Minnesota. 
In "Remote Sensing Applications in Agriculture and Forestry", 
St.Paul, Remote Sensing Laboratorv, Univ.of Minnesota, 19717, 

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