Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

great clumps of leaves, which exhibit a tendency to a 
basal rotation to expose the broad face to the light and. 
with dark shadows inbetween the clumps and finally the 
structure of the leaf itself would explain the high 
absorbtion in the infra red spectral band. The general 
form of the croun fits the conditions found by Roller 
(1973) quoted by Couell (1974) to lead to high infra red 
absorbtion, while the internal structure of the leaf would 
fit the conditions specified by Heller (1970) to produce the 
same effect. 
The Interpretation Process. 
In using the analytical potential of the GE 100 it was 
essential to combine the knowledge of the ground environment, 
the foresters' experience and the skill of the GE 100 
operator, to recognise and enhance the subtle differences 
which had meaning. It must be emphasised that the full 
flexibility of the machine was used, many small changes in 
the image structure were made by minor adjustments, which 
were not recorded because the objective was to find Araucaria 
nôt to test the machine. This called for team work of a high 
In processing the images, movement was always from the "known" 
to the "unknoun", and success was achieved through this 
methodology. Images were revealed on the screen in which 
those variations which coincided with Araucaria distribution 
were emphasised. This was basically a"stretching","rationing" 
and "colour adding" process. Eventually, combinations of 
Band 5 and 7 were found to produce patterns in the forest 
areas and these concurred with the distribution of 
Araucaria in a test area. The procedure was then reversed, 
and the analytical procedure was applied to another 
Computer Compatible Tape using the same parametric 

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