Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

ent and 
d in the 
umber of 
um dense 
> photo 
we obtain: 
Using the given data, 
2 5.76177 4.(3.9136) 
n,/n = 
[em | : 
2.9694 . (6.8231) . (4.7680) . 60 
or n,/n = 0.08695 and therefore mn /n = 10.15 
2p p £f 
So for Sv% = 5, with a = 163, now ne = 18. 
In Table 2 the number of field plots are given for each of the four 
sampling methods for a 5 per cent standard error (Sv%). 
Table 2 Number of field plots for Sv% = 5. 
Sampling Number of field 
method plots (or SU’s) 
Unrestricted 55 
Stratified 31 
Two-stage PPS 46 
Two-phase 16 
Table 3 shows the calculated number of man-days, for the activities in 
field and office, which are necessary to complete the total work included 
in each of the methods. In the field the activities are travel (by car, 
on foot) and enumeration of plots. Since the area under discussion is 
easily accessible, it is assumed that plots can be reached by car to a 
distance of 300 m. The office activities are: assembling of orthophoto 
sheets, and, depending on sampling method, delineation of various 
boundaries, stratifi:ation, grid drawing, area measurements, area 
summation list construction, random plot selection and pricking, and final 
For calculation of fieldwork time, average Speeds were calculated for 
calipering trees, for travel by car and for walking. An average number of 
trees per plot was calculated and distances were determined - for each 
number of plots - based on a systematic distribution. Assuming a circular 
10,000 ha forest area with & base camp on its periphery, the first plot, 
or PU, is assumed to be at a distance which is always equal to the radius 
(= 5643 m). 
The distance from parking place to plot is 300 m and the distance between 
"total area — à 
number of plots 
hours. Distances between PU's and distances between SU's within PU's are 
calculated similarly. For the latter case total area - PU area (= 225 ha). 
The speeds and distances which were calculated are given in Table 3. 
plots is \ (m), Enumeration of one plot takes 0.16 crew 

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