Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

(a) PAN BLACK-AND-WHITE (14/2/76) 
- 1418 - 
Figure 3 — Comparison of panchromatic black-and-white and infrared black-and- 
white photographs (same ground area). Note the IR is far superior 
in quality to the panchromatice 
Blurred image caused by 
atmospheric haze 
Conspicuous dirt roads end 
tracks and villages 
Unclean hydrographic features 
except when accompanied by tree 
Faint or uncertain boundaries 
between water bodies and adjacent 
land areas 
Pronounced contrast between 
patches of bush, thicket and 
forest and cultivated land 
Marked contrast among various dry 
land farming features but texture/ 
structure characteristics obscured 
by lower image resolution 
(b) IR BLACK-AND-WHITE (19/1/18) 
cleaner and sharper image 
less noticeable roads and 
tracks and villages 
clear hydro features 
very clear and sharp cee 
less pronounced contrast eee 
segregation between various 
dry land farming features 
limited to differences in 
texture/structure characteristics 
rather than or tonal contrasts 
Note the numerous changes of agricultural plots that took place 
during & two-year interval; these are caused by prevailing shifting 
cultivation practices, 

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