Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

Ownershio limitations: The forests have been classified in three 
categories; Reserved, Protected and Unmanaged. 
Reserved Forests: are legally owned by the state and managed by 
the Forest Department. These forests are not burdened with any 
Protected Forests: are legally owned bv the state and managed by 
the Forest Department, Part of these forests are known as the 
"Nistari" forests (Forests in which Tribals have concessions) 
wherein the rights of local people are preserved for collection 
of fuelwood, small timber for their own consumption, and other 
minor forest products and bamboo and grazing. 
Unmanaged Forests: are areas of Forest lands, some with sparse 
tree cover, which are outside Madhya Pradesh Forest Department 
management at present and are used collectively by local people. 
There is legal machinerv for declaring these areas as Protected 
forests and from that step, their future usage can be channelled 
either to "nistari" forests or Reserved Forests. 
In selecting areas for large scale intensive forest management, 
only areas under reserved forests and those parts of the pro- 
tected forests which are considered to be free of 'nistari' 
claims are to be included. 
As already mentioned forests are extensive over the Bastar dis- 
trict in Mahva Pradesh. Even allowing for substantial areas to 
be set aside for protection forests in consideration of phvsical 
limitations and 'nistari' forests the areas remaining would pro- 
vide adequate supplies of timber for the large scale forest in- 
dustrial development. The suggested format for relating physical 
conditions to vossible land utilization categories is given in 
Table 1. 
Table 1 Possible forest land utilization categories 
Environmental considerations relating to erosion control and 
watershed management, retention of eco-svstems and establishment 
of game santuaries need to be assessed and taken into consideration 
for each category mentioned below: 
Categorv Management Purpose 
a) Flatter areas in accessible Intensive management - fast 
and reasonable close proximity growing plantation development. 
of say 1000 ha or more. 
b) More broken areas but with Longer term Shorea robusta (Sal) 
deep soils and no risk of regeneration and Tectona grandis 
erosion from forestrv activi- (Teak) plantation development. 
C) Broken areas, and steeper Combination of some or all of 
slopes. the following: Selection felling, 
collection areas for minor forest 
produce by local peonle. 
d) High erosion risk areas. Full nrotection. 
e) Nistari forests. Management for oroduction of 
local timber requirements, minor 
forest products and grazing.

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