Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

Keeping the above requirements in. view for area information, the 
100% aerial photo-interpretation has been carried out within the 
project area comprising of three mentioned industrial catchments. 
The first objective of photointernretation was to identify and 
delineate the areas into various land use categories as enume- 
rated in Table 1. The following main information was recuired to 
be interpreted on photographs: 
- Land use classes 
- Site classes including erosion 
- Management classes including areas fit for intensive working 
- Volume categories 
^ Slooe percent 
- Stocking percent 
The second objective of vhoto-interpretation was to delineate 
various strata with the purpose to prescribe suitable management 
practices and to identify areas suitable for intensive management 
for fast growing plantation development. 
The whole procedure carried out consisted of the following four 
~ Actual aerial photo-internpretation (PI) 
- Transfer of PI details from aerial ohotographs onto the man 
- Marking of Reserved Forest and Protected Forest boundaries 
on PI maps 
- Area calculation after tracing 
5. Actual photo-interpretation 
5.1. Aerial Photography 
A ten year old aerial photographic coverage from December 1966/ 
Februarv 1967 was available. The scale of the photography was 
1:50,000. They were taken with RC 5(a) camera with a focal length 
of 11.5 cm using panchromatic film. Kodak-XX contact prints have 
been obtained on glossv single weight paper. The format size is 
18.5 cm x 18.5 cm. The end lap is about 60% and side lap 20%. The 
maximum permissible tilt is 5°, The flight run east-west. The 
quality of the photographs can be said as 'excellent'. 
5.2, Interpretation scheme 
A chart showing the scheme of photo-internretation has been given 
in Table 2, The details of the various classes to be identified 
and delineated on the aerial photos are as described below: 
The minimum area of a landuse or a forest cover tvpe to be 
delineate on aerial photographs was 6.25 hactare i.e. 0.25cm' 
(or 5mm x 5mm). 
1. Natural Tree Forest: This consists of areas having natural 
tree forests with tree density more than 5$. This information 

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