Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

Ground map 
Landsat B+W 
Area in Hectares 
Landsat false 
map colour map 
Area tage Area Sage Area  %age 
Teak 13050 67% 14725 74% 12800 66% 
Miscellaneous 4900 25% 3950 20% 5200 26% 
Cultivation 1550 8% 1200 6% 1600 8% 
Total 19500 18875 19600 
Percentage Difference 
Teak +1675 +12,8% <250 -1,4% 
Miscellaneous -950 -19,4% +300 +6,1% 
Cultivation -350. -22,6% *50 *3,2$ 
Total *375 +1,93 +100 +0,5% 
The area figures indicate that there is negligible difference 
in the total areas of various cover types as measured on ground 
map and Landsat false colour map. While comparing the Landsat 
black and white imagery map with the ground map, it is noticed 
that area under teak forests comes out to be 7% more and under 
miscellaneous forests and cultivations it comes out to be less 
by 5% and 2% respectively. The reasons may be the same as given 
in case of Mahadevpur forests. 
The results obtained from visual interpretation of black and 
white panchromatic aerial photography and landsat imagery 
black and white and in false colour reveal that: 
(i) Small scale photos can be used effectively in seperating 
productive forests from non productive forests; 
(ii) on the large scale photographs (1.10.000) forests can 
further be stratified based on important species 
compositon, height and density classes which is useful 
in preparation of forest inventories more economical; 
(iii) the best tonal contrast among the images of different 
vegetation and cover types is shown by the false colour 
(iv) among the 4 MSS bands of landsat imagery, band 5 shows 
best tonal contrast. This hand seems to be best suited 
for forestry interpretation of tropical dry deciduous 

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