Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

5. Floodplain forest with swamp vegetation 
The floodplain region is indicated by the presence of former courses with 
light tonal swamp vegetation and darker toned low swamp forest without 
shifting cultivation. Shifting cultivation is present in the higher forest 
type which gives a disturbing effect in the delineation of the limit of 
M2 — Falcao 
This SLAR mosaic is composed from two SLAR strips with the near range at the 
right side and the far range to the left side. Rather disturbing for the 
interpretation are the darker and lighter toned bands parallel to the flight 
line. The topography is undulating, with some hills in the center part and 
ridges of higher hills in the left part with a general north-south alignment, 
This alignment corresponds with some vegetation boundaries, especially of 
the shrub forest. 
Vegetation and forest types 
Savanna, gallary forest, shifting cultivation and secondary forest 
Even without stereoscopic vision these vegetation types can be interpreted 
and delineated, taking into account tonal and texture differences as described 
under M1. 
Shrub- and creeper forest (forest with creepers) 
Both forest types have a rather smooth texture. The final impression is 
that the shrub forest (central part) has a lighter tone than the creeper 
forest near the river. This lighter tone can be due to the sloping aspect 
towards the radar beam; the shrub forests near the savanna area are as 
dark in tone as the creeper forest. An accurate delineation of these 
forest types is impossible due to the adjacent transition forest types of 
forest with creepers with similar tonal and texture aspects. 
Low-, high and Mahogany forest 
These forest types have the same tonal and textural aspects and separation is 
impossible, The exception is streamlet forest (high forest) d.ue to a slightly 
darker tone and "mottled" texture (shifting cultivation?). An accurate 
delineation of this group of forest types, to be separated from shrub- and 
creeper forest,is only possible if clear topographic height differences are 
present, In most cases the transition forest type with creepers or low forest/ 
shrub forest impede a clear delineation. 
The Mahogany forest cannot be delineated by tone, texture or physiographic

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