Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

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features, neither on the near range, nor on the far range. The Mahogany 
forest in the center part has, according to the survey, the highest mean 
volume per hectare of the whole pilot area. 
M3 - Xambuia 
This mosaic is a part of the semi-controlled radar mosaic SB22-Z-B of 
"Projecto RADAM", The connection of the individual strips is visible by 
a thin line (see arrows). The topography is rugged with the mountain area 
of the "Sierra das Auhorinhas" north of the river, the "Sierra do Xambuia" 
south of the river and the high hills in a north-south alignment east of 
ihe river Araguaia. Not knowing which part belongs to the near or far 
range can give a wrong impression of the topographic height differences 
by its radar shadow, Clearly visible are the rapids in the river. 
Vegetation and forest types 
The savanna/bush' vegetation on the "Sierras" can not be differentiated from 
the creeper forest type. Apparently the high reflectanceof the slope 
towards and the radar shadow of the slope away from the radar beam overrules 
the reflectance differences between these two vegetation types. Also 
shifting cultivation in rugged terrain is almost invisible. Creeper forest, 
forest with- creepers, shrub forest and Mahogany forest cannot be distinguished 
by tone, texture or topography. 
On small scale SLAR images it is impossible to identify or delineate the 
Mahogany bearing forest types of the semi-decideous tropical forest, 
State of Goiás, Brasil. The Mahogany forest and the forest with occasional 
big Mahogany trees cannot be differentiated from non-Mahogany bearing 
forest types like high, low-, creeper- and shrub forest, neither by tone, 
nor texture or physiographic features. 
I would like to thank Mr. Otto Bitencourt Neto, Superintendente-Técnico, 
Projecto Radar Brasil for permission to reproduce the SLAR material used 
for this paper. 
Pilot Survey of the Mahogany Region of the State of Goiás and Pará, Brasil 
F.A,0. Report 1.562, 1962, Rome (BB. GLERUM, assisted by G. Smit)

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