Grateful acknowledgement is due to the Forests Commission, Victoria,
for providing the colour aerial photographs of the Mt Buffalo fire, to-
gether with the photointerpreted map, planimetric maps and other information.
The authors also acknowledge the significant contribution to this
project by members of the Picture Processing and Graphics Section of the
Division of Computing Research, CSIRO, particularly Dr John O'Callaghan.
Mr Ian Craig of the Division of Forest Research, CSIRO, rendered
valuable assistance and critical comment throughout the project.
Acknowledgement is also made to Dr A. Green of the Division of Mineral
Physics, CSIRO, who prepared the first generation imagery of the fire area.
Benson, M.L. 1976 : Position paper on forestry as it relates to the Australian
requirement for Landsat data. Aust. Comm. for E.R.T.S. 15P-
Dexter, B.D., Heislers, A. and Sloan, T., 1977 : The Mount Buffalo Fire.
Bull. no. 26, Forests Commission, Victoria. 32p.
FORWOOD, 1975 : Report of the Forestry and Wood-Based Industries Development
Conference. Canberra. 94p.
Green, A., 1977 : Landsat image production and analysis in Australia.
CSIRO Workshop/Symposium on Remote Sensing, Perth. 6p.
Kirby, C., 1974 : Temporal analysis of ERTS imagery in the boreal forest
region. Canadian Surveyor, vol. 28, no. 2, pp.142-146.
Luke, R.H. and McArthur, A.G., 1978 : Bushfires in Australia. Aust. Govt
Publ. Serv., Canberra. 359p.
McMurtry, G.J., Borden, F.Y., Weeden, H.A. and Peterson, G.W., 1974 : The
Penn State ORSER system for processing and analysing ERTS and other
MSS data. In Remote Sensing of Earth Resources, F. Shahrokhi ed.
vol. III. Univ. of Tennessee Space Inst., Tullahoma. pp.721-740.
Myers, B.J. 1978 : Mapping the area burnt in prescribed burning operations
using large-scale colour aerial photographs. Australian Forestry,
vol. 41, no. 1. ' pp.19-28.
O'Callaghan, J.F. and Aujesky, A., 1977 : DISIMP users manual. Working
paper PPG-77-3, CSIRO Division of Computing Research.