Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

O'Callaghan, J.F. and Turner, B.J., 1977 : CSIRO-ORSER users manual Workin 
paper PPG-77-4, CSIRO Division of Computing Research. 
Rowe, R.K., 1970 : A study of the land in the Mount Buffalo National Park. 
Soil Conservation Authority, Victoria.  92p. 
Smith, R., 1974 : Application of ERTS-1 to the assessment and management of 
| forest resources. Unpublished report, Forests Commission, Victoria. 
| Winquist, E. and Jackson, C., 1975 : The monitoring of timber harvesting 
and forest fires in Alberta. Third Canadian Symposium on Remote 
Sensing, Edmonton.  pp.273-280. 
Manuscript prepared June 1978. 

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