Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

Üsterreichisches Bundesinstitut für Gesundheitswesen, Austria 
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them 1. Introduction 
ne — growing -— 
matic In one of the expert meetings on tuesday a éollague from the Ne- 
e therlands has shown some courage to tell, if I interprete that 
wing correctly, that only areal photography was a valuable tool for 
in engeneering purposes, which would mean that almost all other re- 
à 800m mote sensing methods are of little or limited value for practical 
egion. applications in the engeneering work. Of course I cannot completely 
Be agree upon that very pessimistic opinion. But according to our 
ans laboratories past experience we found out that: 
hes. o The application value of Remote Sensing depends extremely 
f this on the scale of an investigation and 
o as a consequence of the present technological development 
of sensors the available instruments are only useful and 
costeffective for small scales, so that many Remote Sen- 
sing systems seem not to satisfy practical engeneering 
work. If I may apply this opinion to the Austrian needs, 
then we have to agree that the real practical application 
of remote sensing instruments in very Timited. 
Therefore I personally think, that one has to make a clear dis- 
tinction between 
A) Remote Sensing methods on a scientfic basis and 
B) Remote Sensing methods on an engeneering basis. 
If we look through the program of our Symposium here, then we shall 
find both types of remote sensing beeing presented. Perhaps it 
would be an interesting idea to try to split up expert meetings in- 
to groops of interest in more scientific programmes and aplication 

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