Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

According to the information from Topographic Survey and 
author's investigations, (Kesik,1975),Canadian Landsat mosaics 
have the accuracy relative to the base map 1:1,000.000 aproxi- 
mately 1 to 1.5 km, with isolated errors up to 3 km. 
Mosaics for Yukon Territory are available at the scale 
1:1,000.000 and 1:2,500.000. They are distributed as photo 
copies or positive film transparencies.Mosaics at scale 1:1,000.000 
have overprinted grid of geographical coordinates.The highest 
quality for image interpretation have the positive transparencies. 
Spectral informations 
The use of band 6 for mosaicing has important consequences. 
Near IR band with spectral range 700-800 nm records clearly 
differences between water bodies and other surfaces. It also 
increases the contrast between illuminated and shaded slopes, 
put not to such degree as band 7 used for mosaicing in Alaska. 
From the comparison with Alaskan mosaics it could be concluded 
that channel 7 increases interpretability of lineaments but also 
reduces amount of information related to such elements of relief 
like slopes, bottoms of large valleys, coastal plains. 
So far as vegetation is concerned, visual, manual interpre- 
tation of Landsat mosaics allowed to recognize large areas with 
vegegation cover or without it. Bare lands appear in northern 
part of Yukon and also as azonal phenomena in mountains. The 
differentiation between categories of tundra vegetation and 
subboreal forest is beyond the capability of manual interpre- 
tation, particularly for Yukon Territory, where variable 
physiographical conditions are known to limited degree. 
Spectral properties of rocks were not used as the guidelines 
for the delineation of lithological or morphostructural units. 
The variety of spectral responces is affected by the weathering 
conditions, moisture content, soil and vegetation cover. 
Fortunately other indicators of the image,like texture and 
pattern,which integrate spectral variations, contain great 
amount of geological and morphological information useful for 
regional analysis. 
Concept of geomorphological map; methodological considerations 
Compilation of small scale geomorphological map of large 
area requires clear methodological procedure. The scale of map 
determines the content of information, or level of generaliza- 
tion and also the procedure of compilation. In the case of 
geomorphological map of Yukon Territory in scale 1:2,500.000 
the following steps heve been used for the map compilation. 
l.Collection and interpretation of existing data 
c.Remote Sensing 
2.Construction of the map legend: Result of conceptual 
work combined with regional distinctions. 
3.Regional geomorphological analysis: Analysis of structu- 
ral,lithological, climatical and phyto variances as well 
as topographical representation of relief. Delineation 
of morphological units.Analysis of spatial relations 
between morphological units. 

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