Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

a.On marginal and intermontane 
CeAccumulative relief on depressions 
deep seated base b.On Platform depressions. 
DeAccumulative-denudational : : 
: a,.Of marginal and intermontane 
relief on shallow seated depressions 
base b.Of Platform depressions 
On the second level of legend groups of landform were 
characterised according to their morphometrical expression: 
lowlands to high mountains, and according to genetical 
differentiation: glacial forms, fluvial lacustrine, etc. 
Scale of map determines that only the laraest groups of landforms 
have been presented. 
Interpretability of Landsat Mosaics for Mapping. 
Landsat images and mosaics were used primary for the 
regional, geomorphological analysis. The main obiective of 
the analysis was the identification, on the base of detectable 
indicators, of structural, pertoaraphical and floristic varian- 
ces, which together with climatic factor determine the indi- 
viduality of morphological units. Procedure of image interpre- 
tation led to the delineation of morphological boundaries and 
to qualitative characteristic of individual units. 
Morphological interpretability of Landsat mosaics varies 
according to the dissection of terain and amount of direct, 
structural and lithological informations, detectable by 
manual techniques. More reliable, structural informations, 
related to pattern of fractures and lineaments, were used as 
primary indicators. 
Lithological differentiation is more obscure by the masking 
effect of vegetation and by the locally thick layer of weathered 
rocks, particularly well developed in the frost rubble zone. 
The correlations between lineaments, detected on the mosaics 
and the structural elements,identyfied by geologic field work, 
and presented on geological maps, were used for interpretation 
of those lineaments or fractures which were not recognised by 
conventional geologic survey. Newly detected lineaments and 
their spatial distribution, were used as important factor 
in delineation of morphostructural units. 
In the analysis of acumulative and accumulative-denudatio- 
nal relief, indirect line of deduction and criteria of 
associations between physiographical elements and pattern 
of Landsat image, were most useful methodological clews. 
Interpretation procedure has been carried out on the mosaics 
and individual images. The advantage of mosaics result from 
their comprehensiveness and synopsis , which allow to perform 
regional analysis faster, and to see better spatial relations 
between categories of relief and morphostructural regions. 
In the interpretation procedure complex of indicators; ton, 
texture, pattern, associations, have been applied, and the 
basic procedure was to some extend similar to the one used 
in interpretation of conventional aerial photographs. Important 
difference in interpretation resulted from the small scale 
of images and variations of physiographical elements in vertical

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