Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

These investigation generated several publications, reports, 
maps, with comprehensive presentation of tectonic, strat jgraphy, 
and geological evolution of the area (Douglas, 1970, Norris, 
1972,1973,1975,Norris et al.,1963, Lenart,1973, Hawkings and 
Hartleilid, 1975, Yorath and Norris, 1975, Young et.al., 1976) 
Also surficial geology is known better as many new data has 
been generated in 70's by the mapping programs associated 
with the inventory and assesment of natural resources for 
the Mackenzie Transportation Corridor, (Hughes et al.,1973, 
Presented area is tectonicallv very complicated and 
displays diversity of elements. The main tectonic 
elements are: Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Cordillera Orogen and 
to the east Northern Interior Platform. Each of these elements 
has own individual style and history of evolution, freauently 
with multiple epizodes of deformation, ea. Collumbian (Mezozoic), 
and Laramide (Late Cretaceous and Tertiary),(Young et al.,1976) 
Using morphostructural and morphosculntural criteria of 
geomornhologic mapping and techniaue of Landsat data interore- 
tation, the following morphological units have been identified: 
Ae Subaerial relief 
I.Destructive relief on epigeosynclinal Cordillera Orogen 
1.British Mountains 
2 .Barn Range Mountains 
3.Richardson Mountains 
II.Accumalative-denudational relief of Cordillera on shallow 
seated base 
4.Ammerman Hills 
5.Barn Ridges 
GeDriftwood Hills 
b.Intermontane _depressions 
7.Timber Creek Basin 
8.Muskeg Basin 
9.Babbage River Basin 
10.Blow River Basin 
ll.Driftwood Basin 
12.01d Crow Basin 
13.01d Crow Flats 
IV.Accumulative-denudational relief of Arctic Continental Slope 
14.Yukon Coastal Plain 
15.Arctic Plateau 
16.Mackenzie Delta 
Listed above morphological units are characterized by 
complexes of morphometrical, morphostructural and morphody- 
namic indices, partialy detectable on Landsat mosaics. 
Old Crow Flats, for example, represent central part of 
Old Crow Basin, with nonmarine Tertiary to Recent sediments from 
500 tO 700 m thick.(Lawrence,1973)Flats are spotted with 

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