Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

Demek, J., (Ed), 1972: Manual of detailed geomorphological 
mapping. Prague, p. 1-344. 
Lundén, B., 1977: Mapping of surficial deposits from air 
photographs. Sveriges geologiska undersókning C 758, 
| p. 1-100. (In Swedish with English summary) 
Melander, 0.,.1975: The geomorphological map 29 J Kebnekaise. 
Statens naturvárdsverk PM 540, p. 1-78. (In Swedish 
with English summary) 
SOU, 1971: Hushállning med mark och vatten. Statens offentliza 
utredningar 1971:75, p. 1-542. 
Soyez, D., 1971: Geomorphological mapping of northwestern 
Dalarna/Sweden. Stockholms universitet, Naturgeogra- 
fiska institutionen. Forskningsrapport 11, p. 1-150. 
| Ulfstedt, A-C. - Melander, 0., 1974: Evaluation problems 
| concerning two geomorphologically investigated areas 
| in the Swedish mountains. UNGI Rapport 34, p. 371-383, 
(In Swedish with English summary) 
Wastenson, L., 1966: Mapping of bedrock outcrops by aerial 
photo interpretation. A methodological study. 
Sveriges geologiska undersökning C 606, p. 1-44. 
(In Swedish with English summary) 
Wastenson, L., 1969: Studies of boulders in aerial photographs. 
Sveriges geologiska undersökning C 638, p. 1-95. 
(In Swedish with English summary) 
Wastenson, L. - Yrgárd, A., 1977: Geomorfologiska kartor - 
nytt planerinzsunderlag. Svensk lantmáteritidskrift 
1977:3, p. 168-173. (Enlish title: Geomorphological 
mapping - new bases for physical planning) 
Vilborg, L., 1976: Fjallutredningen. Statens naturvdrdsverk 
PM 711, p. 1-58. 

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