Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

The map in this publication shows mostly macroseismic epi- 
centers class A (error * 0.19) with some of class B (error 
th 9. 523. A contour diagram of epicenter distribution has been 
constructed from these data, using a counting circle of 
0.39 (27.7 km) in diameter. 
Being in places represented by discontinuous maxima (pro- 
bably because of a short observation period and differences 
in data quantity due to various population density), the 
statistic distribution of epicenters nevertheless shows a 
clear connection with the two main fractural systems. 
The NW-SE system includes g belt of disconnected maxima 
(Gnjilane-Skopje-Titov Veles-Kavadarci-Radovië and Gevgelija 
-ütrumica). such a configuration means solely a lack of se- 
ismic release during the observation period, and not 
necessarily a lower seismic risk between maxima. 
Farthquake manifestations are in the SW-NE system associated 
with the belt Debar-Gostivar->kopje-Bujanovac-Vranje. An 
interesting elongation of isolines SW of Titov Veles, 
parallel to this system, shows a characteristic correspondence 
with a fault, discovered only during this study. There is a 
high probability that this Titov Veles fault (13) has a 
seismotectonic significance unknown so far. The same 
elongation shows the maximum between Kavadarce and Radovié, 
and pro parte also the one located between Gevgelija and 
Skopje is situated at the intersection of two main zones 
with NW-SE and SW-NE orientation. It is a most unfortunate 
fact, that similar intersections are sites of a large number 
of Macedonian towns (Titov Veles, Kavadarci, Negotino, Gev- 
gelija, wtrumica) and water power storage reservoirs gnd 
dams (Debar, Mavrovo, Tikve5). 

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