Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

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KRUCK, W. (1974): Hydrogeologic Evaluation of ERTS & EREP Data 
for the Pampa of Argentina. - Seminar on Space 
Applications of Direct Interest to Developing Coun- 
tries. - Vol, II., 134 - 139. INPE. 
KRUCK, W. (1976): Hydrogeological Investigations in the Argentine 
Pampa Using Satellite Imagery. 
Geol. Jb., A 33 / 145 - 159 / 7 fig. /2pl., 
Hannover 1976. 
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (1977): Resource Sensing from 
Space: Prospects for Developing Countries. 202 p., 
Washington, 1977. 
NEDECO (1965): Etablissement d' un Programme d' Hydraulique au 
Niger.- NEDECO, Holland, 1965. 
PLOTE, H. (1961): Reconnaissance Hydrogeologique du Liptako et 
des regions adjacentes. - BRGM. Republique du 
Niger Ministere des travaux publics, des Mines et de 
1’ Hydraulique. - 
UNCOD (1977): Draft Plan of Action to Combat Desertification. - 
Nairobi, Kenya. 
Our efforts to put the possibilities of remote sensing for exploration and 
monitoring of the earth’ s surface into practice show that this cannot be 
done without the use of complex evaluation methods. In this connection, 
the following experience was gained in Niger and Upper Volta: 
The main cause for greater expenditures of time and money for interpre- 
tation is the use of multispectral sensing methods. This system delivers 
information on the state of vegetation which in general was not previously 
possible by remote sensing. Conclusions can be drawn from the data on 
vegetation about the type of rock and soil, and about nearsurface ground- 
water. Thus, an exhaustive interpretation is possible in the fields of geology, 
hydrogeology, soil science, and land use only if it is carried out in close 
connection with all of thesc disciplines, For a successful interpretation 
it is also of decisive importance that several images taken during different 
seasons are available for comparison. The time span required for making 
the images of important features may take only a few days. Consequently, 
it becomes necessary to increase the number of the LANDSAT type satellites 
currently in orbit by additional satellites of technically comparable performance. 
By use of the multidisciplinary interpretation techniques, large-scale surveys 
can be made quickly on geological structures, the distribution of soils and 
their suitability for land use, current land use, groundwater potential, and, 
under certain conditions, also population distribution. It is possible to 
identify land areas that are used too intensively and the resulting damages, 
as well as areas whose potential is not being fully used. Repeated mapping 
at intervals of several years will allow the monitoring of critical developments 
in the desert-near regions of the Sahel Zone.

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